Osborne – Plus Min (Renesse)

1999 – Guest curator Jan van Adrichem

Solo exhibition after short residency of two weeks

Maddy worked a long time on deconstruction and reconstitution landscapes.

Whereas at first the objects were always part of the landscape (the plastic fields), in later exhibitions in Archipel and Exedra they became the landscape itself. The cars are covered with earth and become the carrier for large cans of vegetables or images of products and packaging. In the Osborne exhibition the Spanish Osborne bull is central. He is made of plaster and covered with earth, sampled lengthened and folds surrealistically around the corner of the exhibition space Plus Min. The bull represents the emptiness of Spanish landscape: “in Spain, along the highway, the bull suddenly appears, it represents and defines the Spanish landscape”.

Also socially, the Osborne bull is a place with many meanings. In the film Jamón Jamón 1992, Bigas Luna) we get a good picture of this. It is a place where young people come together and grow up to adult. A place that refers to a search for identity and meaning.

maddy arkesteyn plus min

maddy arkesteyn plus min